LEAVE THIS APP NOW. worst game ever.
Has no one noticed this is nearly an EXACT REPLICA OF POKéMON? I mean COME ON, it doesnt take that much imagination to come up with a copy of a very popular game, and thats exactly what goodbeans did. And on top of that, this game is really bad. Barely any monsters, its impossible to heal or get the capture balls, and the purchase restoring (gasp) DOESNT WORK. so if u are looking for a worthwhile, awesome, epic game, please close out of this app and never look up Zuko Monsters again, because honestly, it is the absolute worst game Ive ever played, and Ive played homemade computer games better than this. Its kinda sad goodbeans had to completely copy Nintendos POKéMON games, but obviously they cannot find out how to make a good adventure battling game on their own.
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Zuko Monsters